Who We Are:

We opened our doors in February 2015 in hopes to give our community a chance to experience what functional fitness is all about. Rails Strength & Fitness is affiliated through the Aberdeen Family YMCA and is located just right across the street. Through our team, our mission is to provide the best overall workout experience we can while maintaining safety and intensity in every workout.  

What is Functional Fitness?

Functional fitness is pretty simple. You train your body in the gym so you can function higher outside of the gym. Our training focuses on lifts and movement patterns like squatting, pushing, pulling, and rotating, which all mimic movements from everyday life. In a typical workout, ,multiple muscle groups and multiple joints will be working at once. No experience is necessary, everything we do can be modified to accommodate you wherever you are in your fitness journey!


5:30AM – Mon/Wed/Fri
5:00AM & 6:00AM – Tues/Thurs
4:30PM & 5:30PM – (Except no 5:30PM on Fridays)
5:30-6:30 – Amped (Mon&Thurs)
9:00AM – Saturdays

Amped and youth classes run in 4-6 sessions throughout the year. Check with the YMCA or message Rails for schedule info.